Configure your UART or RS485 ultrasonic wind meter

Since the Ultra Low Power- Ultrasonic win meter can be manually configured either under RS485 or UART protocols, we have prepared a short configuration guide for both of them.

A USB converter cable will allow you to set these parameters, being a bridge between your computer and your wind meter. Choose the one most adequate for your needs, depending on the type of configuration you want to carry out.

USB to RS485



How to configure the RS485 protocol

Connect the cables as indicated below :

How to configure the UART protocol 

Connect the cables as indicated below:


Last of all, the configuration options will need to be set. Choose between :

1. Baudrate: 2400 to 115200 (8n1) bauds

2. Output rate :0.1 to 10 Hz.

3. Output units : m/s, Knots or Km/h

You can check the Ultra Low Power- Ultrasonic wind meter specifications and documentation here


How to update the firmware of the Portable Range.